cover story

A Babymetal Cover and an Iron Maiden

I'm turning into one of those "bloggers in name only," aren't I? Fuck it, I was never a "blogger." Sharing useless tips for no money. FIVE TIPS TO SUPERCHARGE YOUR ONLINE ONLINEINESS SOCIAL MEDIA GURU BUZZWORD OVERKILL! Please, die horribly.

In the mean time, I wrote another coverstory for Hysteria on the weird and wonderful Babymetal phenomenon. It was more weird but we got there in the end. Download FREE, here.

Another highlight was FOR REAL talking to Dave Murray of the INVINCIBLE Iron Maiden. Yes, that actually happened. Too bad I have to deliver my business seminar Turning Phrases, Turning Heads on the same night. Ugh. Read it here.

Devin Townsend: Ziltoid Attacks! (HEAVY Mag)



My interview with Ziltoidian overlord Devin Townsend made the cover of HEAVY Mag #12 last year, my second cover for 2014 (and ever!) My long-form interview got behind the man instead of the effects pedals. It dug deep into his personal struggles, lifting the veil on a life-long process of overcoming his worst, most critical hitting enemy - himself.

You can buy a real live copy here, and download the app on Google Play or iTunes (paid subscription required.)

Hysteria #26 - Cover This, Spencer


It finally happened. I duped some poor schmoe to put my story on the cover of his mag. Hope you got insurance, PAL. But 4 srs - this is one of the best interviews I've had the pleasure to file. Spencer Chamberlain is a man who stands up bloodied, baying and broken to keep kicking against the industry pricks. If rock n' roll is dead, Sleepwave is its last flickering soul.

I also got intellectual with Tomas Lindberg of At the Gates, gushed over Decapitated's newie with Vogg and ate Gothenburgers with Peter Iwers of In Flames. There's a tofu scramble with Architects in the Hysteria Kitchen, a cheese n' beer guzzling with Neck Deep and we let our youngbloods run free forever with The Amity Affliction on tour. It's like downloading a mosh into your pocket. DO IT MAN