So, I herd u liek...

Believe it or not. Snapped this yesterday in The Australian.

Dear Reuters:

Please check the IDs of idiot computer programmers before you interview them. You just think you're journalists when you pull this shit. Go back to J-school before it's too late.

Love and cupcakes,


Among other things I didn't supposedly do on the weekend was try to join the Australian Society for General Semantics. Calling people shouldn't be that hard. I'm still dying of the black lung disease. Its very cold outside. I am liking the new Weezer album too much. My heart says that The Greatest Man That Ever Lived is the best song ever written, but my head has put up yet another one of its characteristic fight-to-the-death resistances again. Curses. A thousand curses and poxes on both your houses!

And now I'm sitting here in this rather splendid sports jacket, all dressed up with absolutely nowhere to go. No coffee, no beer, no cigarettes...and the line is still busy.