
New Header Image by MAK ATTACK art!

Hey all,

Ever since I re-launched Crushtor.net earlier this year I've wanted to adorn it with some kick-arse heavy metal style artwork as a header image. A friend of mine who shares my fondness for metal, mead (well...) and Adventure Time, Michael Kephart painstakingly created the above header image for me. I think he captured my personality well. From our initial correspondence and sketches, it really does speak to me and hopefully will to others.

He takes commissions from all over. I encourage you to consider him for your next artistic project. You can find his portfolio here.


Welcome Back To Here

I think I've finally outgrown my adolescent Live Journal, so I'm transferring everything over to my shiny old Blogspot blog. Just realizing i've had my LJ since 2004 is a bit disheartening; I've gone through two schools, two 'proper' girlfriends, even more flings and hook-ups, countless friends and acquaintances, two pairs of great headphones (alas), three or four jobs, read thousands of pointless words, and thankfully, two regime changes - one more dubious than the other. Hopefully by the end of this year it'll be a different mode of transport, a different place and a career. I want to go to the United States by the end of this year. I will be there. I will be in Washington, D.C. when they tally the votes as they are handed in. I've said all these things a million times before, my own drive to shift inside is giving me the impetus to change. I have changed, in some small ways. I will make this happen. My beliefs tell me so. I don't have to sit back and wait any more - Now my questions regarding life will be more "What are you doing for me?" instead of "What have you done to me?" Sounds empowering. And just a little arrogant. Just a little.